Types of Retail Career...
Below are our articles on the subject of Types of Retail Career. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...

Advertising Careers In Retail
How advertising differs to marketing and the different kinds of roles you can expect to find in advertising....

Becoming a Retail Manager
The skills, qualifications and personal qualities needed to become a retail store manager and what your duties are likely to entail....

Careers in the Fashion Retail Industry
A broad overview of some of the different careers you can pursue within the fashion retail sector...

Human Resources in Retail
The role of the retail human resources professional and a description of some of the duties your work is likely to include....

Logistics Careers in Retail
What’s involved in a retail logistics career and the skills, personal qualities and qualifications you’ll need to have....

Public Relations Careers in Retail
What PR involves and why it is so important in protecting and promoting a company’s image....

Retail Jobs For Teenagers
Retail work and teenagers. Popular stores for teenagers to find work in and how to go about looking for work....

Seasonal Work in Retail
How to find seasonal work in retail and what you can expect....

What is Retail Banking?
Retail banking what it is and the various career opportunities within the sector....

Working as an Area Manager
The role of the area manager and the skills and qualities you need to have as well as some of the more typical duties of the role....

Working in Market Research in Retail
The role of market research in retailing and why it’s important. How you can also pursue a career without necessarily being directly employed by a retailer....

Working in Stock Control and Warehousing
The roles of a stock controller and warehouse manager. How the roles are interlinked but very different and the type of duties involved....

Working Within a Finance Department
Careers in the finance departments of a retail company and the types of skills and qualifications you’ll need to progress....